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About Trackbuzzer

Trackbuzzer is a revolutionary digital marketing and promotions company. Established in 2009 by some New York City's most influential DJs, Trackbuzzer provides artists and labels with the means to service their records to industry insiders and potential new fans.

In this day and age, the internet has become the premier platform of communication which has made it possible for us to create an inexpensive way for artists and labels to market their material.

Location & Directions for Trackbuzzer

2417 Jericho Turnpike, Suite 286, New Hyde Park,, NY 11040
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Services Trackbuzzer Offers

We also provide promotion to clients via The A&R report, which is a mixtape series hosted by DJ Finesse, DJ Hpnotiq, DJ Love Dinero, DJ Onpoint and guest artists and producers.This mixtape series is used for promotional use only and is distributed through our network of 10,000+ music stores, creating more exposure for our clients.

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