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Charleston Virtuosi

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About Charleston Virtuosi

Charleston Virtuosi, a group of brilliant, energetic, and committed musicians from all parts of the world, located in Charleston, SC. Our musicians have a great performing experience on well-known stages of the world - New-Zealand, Japan, Russia, Italy, Germany, the U.S. - playing with professional orchestras and as soloists. In our experience, we realized how important music can be for your wedding and events, how it can emotionally affect people, and how it can really change the atmosphere. Thus, we always choose the best music selections, whether classical, jazz or Vienna Salon music. Our priority is to always make your wedding or event special and to create unique and unforgettable moments, for you, your guests and clients. Being a musician is more than just creating beautiful sounds; it is about being part of your wedding or event while combining sound and visual aspects to create a harmonious ensemble.

Location & Directions for Charleston Virtuosi

15 Kracke Street, Charleston, SC 29403
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Services Charleston Virtuosi Offers

We offer classical musicians for wedding, banquets...

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