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The Shiners Cleaning Co

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About The Shiners Cleaning Co

The Shiners Cleaning Co is an eco-friendly cleaning company that specializes in a tailored cleaning service and all natural cleaning products. Cleaning is more than simply tidying up, it is an art. We believe that a clean and organized environment promotes focus and relaxation while nurturing a positive flow of energy. Our cleaners are free of chemicals, dyes and synthetic fragrances. Our goal as The Shiners is to unveil the mask of “green cleaning” by going back to basic, all natural, effective ingredients. Our fresh products combined with our instinctual eye for cleanliness and order is sure to leave your home looking spotless and smelling sublime!

Location & Directions for The Shiners Cleaning Co

6836 SE 134th Ave., Portland, OR 97236
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Services The Shiners Cleaning Co Offers

Residential cleaning service and all natural cleaning products.

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More About The Shiners Cleaning Co

The Shiners Cleaning Co is an eco-friendly cleaning company that specializes in a tailored cleaning service and all natural cleaning products. Cleaning is more than simply tidying up, it is an art. We believe that a clean and organized environment promotes focus and relaxation while nurturing a positive flow of energy. Our cleaners are free of chemicals, dyes and synthetic fragrances. Our goal as The Shiners is to unveil the mask of “green cleaning” by going back to basic, all natural, effective ingredients. Our fresh products combined with our instinctual eye for cleanliness and order is sure to leave your home looking spotless and smelling sublime!