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The Boston Street Team

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About The Boston Street Team

"Baltimore Real Estate" "The Boston Street Team" Canton "Federal Hill" "Fells Point" "Top1% of Realtors Nationwide".

Location & Directions for The Boston Street Team

2400 Boston St A - 103, Baltimore, MD 21224
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Services The Boston Street Team Offers

When you choose us as your Real Estate Professionals, you have the backing & support of a TEAM of 8 Realtors, who have a deep commitment to offer our clients SUPERIOR SERVICE not usually found today!! A sound understanding of ever changing market conditions & trends enables us to give our clients major advantages in the purchase or sale of their home. With over 60 years combined customer service experience between the 8 of us, we offer our clients:


A service that can't be duplicated! We have the latest technology at our disposal to ensure we find the absolute best deal for our clients! Plus, we have the full strength & credit of Prudential Carruthers behind us, the prestigious SALES LEADER in our state. Prudential Carruthers is a one stop shop for all your real estate needs from real estate, to mortgage to title to insurance. No need to go anywhere else!

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