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Granados Dx Landscaping

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About Granados Dx Landscaping

The friendly and experienced staff at Granados Dx Landscaping provides customized lawn programs to ensure that each lawn gets the right care, treatment and nutrients at the right time of year! Our lawn care specialist have the experience and expertise to identify any kind of lawn problems and their causes, and recommend the best course of action for you to have a lush, green lawn all season long using eco-friendly products and techniques. We provide the ultimate value for our clients' investments in professional landscaping services.

Location & Directions for Granados Dx Landscaping

4429 S Red Cherry Cir, Salt Lake City, UT 84120
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Services Granados Dx Landscaping Offers

Lawn Maintenance, Tree Trimming, Pressure Washing, Insecticide Spraying, Lawn Mowing, Garden Bed Stones, Pressure Washing, Lawn care, Weed removal, Garden cultivation, Leaf blowing, Hedge and tree trimming, pruning, Insect removal, Flower planting and maintenance, Winter plant protection, Weed Control, Fertilization, Residential Maintenance, Pest Control, Lawn Aeration, Lawn Mowing, Weed Control, Over seeding, Lawn care, Lawn aeration, Insect removal, Insect control, Commercial Tree Services, Residential Tree Services, Tree Planting, Tree Cabling, Tree Pruning, Trimming, Tree Shaping, Crown Restoration, Root and Soil Treatments, Emergency Tree Services, Insect and Disease Management

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