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Glastonbury Veterinary Hospital

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About Glastonbury Veterinary Hospital

At Glastonbury Veterinary Hospital we strive for excellence. Our goal for every pet is a lifetime of health through proactive, preventative care and dedicated veterinary service. We understand the special role your pet plays in your family. As a partner in your pet's health care, we are committed to treating your pet with the same care that we give our own pets. Emergencies involving our current patients do receive top priority and move to the top of the appointment list which means occasional appointment delays. We are not, however, an emergency hospital. Emergencies are unavoidable so we appreciate everyone's patience during that time. Your pet is part of your family and at Glastonbury Veterinary Hospital you are part of ours!

Location & Directions for Glastonbury Veterinary Hospital

121 Pratt Street, Glastonbury, CT 6033
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Services Glastonbury Veterinary Hospital Offers


  • Veterinarians
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