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D & H Painting and Remodeling

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About D & H Painting and Remodeling

Serving the Birmingham, AL area for over 17 years, D & H Painting and Remodeling takes pride in providing the best remodeling experience possible. We specialize in kitchen remodeling, bathroom remodeling and painting. We can help you with almost any project you have whether it is inside or outside including drywall, window replacement, flooring installation, pressure washing and custom decks. We are fully licensed, bonded and insured, as well as members of the BBB and the AL licensed homebuilder.

Location & Directions for D & H Painting and Remodeling

2700 Corporate Dr #200-22, Birmingham, AL 35242
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Services D & H Painting and Remodeling Offers

Remodeling, Bathroom Remodeling, Kitchen Remodeling, Painting

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