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Crystal Maids

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About Crystal Maids

Since 1989, Crystal Maids has cleaned residences and offices to a sparkling shine throughout Central Maryland. Crystal Maids and parent company Crystal Enterprises, Inc's., philosophy is simple - employ, train and lead the right people. Crystal Maids established a strict screening process to ensure that their maids have integrity and are 100% responsible - giving us the lowest maid turnover rate in the industry. Their unique team approach cuts cleaning time while guaranteeing client satisfaction. By arranging a team-leader to always be onsite, double-checking all cleaning tasks, Crystal Maids is the right solution for your needs!

Location & Directions for Crystal Maids

10837 Lanham Severn Rd, Glenn Dale, MD 20769
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Services Crystal Maids Offers

Maid service, house cleaning services, office cleaning services, commercial cleaning services.

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