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About Bouchard-Pierce

Bouchard-Pierce is a family owned and operated appliance store, plumbing and hardware store, located in Essex Junction, VT. We sell, deliver, and service most major brand name appliances. If you are building a new home, remodeling your kitchen or bath or just upgrading your current appliances, Bouchard-Pierce has a professional design, sales and service team ready to do the job. We can help you select the appliances to fit your design and budget. We can also help you design a new kitchen and bath. We carry a wide selection of kitchen cabinets as well as laminate, solid surface and natural stone countertops and hardware. We have the latest professional high function cooking appliances and build-ins in our expansive showrooms.

Location & Directions for Bouchard-Pierce

127 Pearl Street, Essex Junction, VT 5452
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Services Bouchard-Pierce Offers

Appliances & Repair

  • Appliances & Repair
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