English as a Second Language Student Resources

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This category addresses student resources which are helpful for those who are studying English as a Second Language (ESL).

Top Student Resources

56 listings found

Strictly English

Offers TOEFL classes as well as online tutoring and exercises.



Provides English speaking lessons online through thousands of audio files.



Aggregates captioned videos from across the globe. This resource can be used for ESL students and deaf or hard of hearing individuals. Unclaimed: Claim this business


Activities for ESL Students

Delivers details free online English learning which includes tests, crossword puzzles, exercises, and other activities for students of English as a second language. Unclaimed: Claim this business


American Accent Training

Provides lessons on word pronunciation, connections, and intonation. Contains a collection of American slang and an audio-video guide on phonetics. Unclaimed: Claim this business


Archer Education Group – English Practice

Provides online English learning programs to develop grammar, vocabulary, and speaking, listening, and written comprehension. Unclaimed: Claim this business


Basic English Class Listening Practice

Provides audio recordings of selected songs, poems, fables, and stories with vocabulary lessons and examples. Unclaimed: Claim this business


BBC – Learning English

Reading and listening resource that provides quizzes on business English and a selection of interactive word games. Unclaimed: Claim this business


David Appleyard's World of English

Compendium of learning resource that features grammar glossary, index of reference materials on various categories, and archive of news. Unclaimed: Claim this business


Easy English

Offers free online English courses. Contains a list of testing programs and a selection of educational tools. Unclaimed: Claim this business


EduFind - Test Your English

Provides a list of language exams and games as well as free ESL language level test and assessment. Unclaimed: Claim this business


EFL Club

Collection of graded quizzes and activities on music, traditional fairy tales, and film trailers. Includes links to related sources. Unclaimed: Claim this business


ELF Worksheets

Features a collection of learning and teaching materials and interactive exercises. Unclaimed: Claim this business


English at Home

Archive of vocabulary building activities, tutorials, articles, and idioms. Unclaimed: Claim this business


English Club

Collection of learning programs on grammar and vocabulary that includes games, quizzes, and exercise materials. Unclaimed: Claim this business


English Daily

Features a collection of TOEFL vocabulary, idioms, proverbs, and ancient Chinese stories. Unclaimed: Claim this business


English Exercises

Collection of ESL practice tests for beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels that include prepositions, adjectives, phrasal verbs, vocabulary, and reading comprehension. Unclaimed: Claim this business


English Learner

Provides an array of tutorials and tests on grammar, vocabulary, and reading. Unclaimed: Claim this business


English Page

Compendium of resources that contains tutorials, exercises, games, and language guidelines. Unclaimed: Claim this business


English Quizzes

Provides an interactive collection of exercises and puzzles about vocabulary, grammar, logic and aptitude. Unclaimed: Claim this business

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