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Yuppy Puppy Pet Spa & Boarding

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About Yuppy Puppy Pet Spa & Boarding

We provide full grooming and baths for dogs of all breeds and sizes. We also do cat baths and nail filing. You pet starts with a massaging bath using nothing less that the best shampoos followed by a full groom, touch-up, or just the bath itself. All services include nail trimming, ear cleaning, sanitary areas are cleaned, pads are cleaned, bows, cologne, and bandana. Locally owned and operated by husband and wife.

Location & Directions for Yuppy Puppy Pet Spa & Boarding

1653 Celanese Rd, Rock Hill, SC 29732
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Services Yuppy Puppy Pet Spa & Boarding Offers

Sophisticated hand scissoring, Solid Gold Premium Dog Food, Tuff Lock collar and leases, nail filing, flea treatments using Advantix and Frontline, boarding, and much much more! Come experience the difference!

5.0 Out of 5.0

Reviews For Yuppy Puppy Pet Spa & Boarding

Reviews for this business have been aggregated from multiple sources.

Based on 2 Reviews

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Jason Werstein
Jason Werstein Monday, October 25th 2010
Great time Great Value Awesome Boarding I'm really glad we found them!
Jason Werstein
Jason Werstein Monday, October 25th 2010
Great time Great Value Awesome Boarding I'm really glad we found them!
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