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Wright Hearing Center

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About Wright Hearing Center

We, at Gadsden Hearing Aid, have been in business since 1970. We are a family owned and operated audiology and hearing clinic. We carry the latest products with the most advanced technology and can program virtually any hearing aid. We have been selling Starkey hearing aids for over 38 years and are one of their largest dealers in the United States. We know dealing with hearing loss is hard, so we have an understanding compassionate staff in each office daily that will help you through any difficulties you may have with confidence. Once a year we visit Nashville, TN to donate our time to So the World May Hear sponsored by Starkey to fit children and adults all over the Southeast with hearing aids that otherwise could not afford it. We are able to sell our hearing aids at a cheaper price everyday than our competitors sale price because we have 5 offices and order such a large volume of hearing aids. We also have special programs for a lot of different groups, give us a call to see if you qualify.

Location & Directions for Wright Hearing Center

110 Riley St, Gadsden, AL 35901
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Services Wright Hearing Center Offers


  • Audiologist
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