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WN Dentistry

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About WN Dentistry

WN Dentistry is a General Family Dental Office located in Baton Rouge, LA. that provides routine dental care for children to adults of all ages. Care includes dental exams, teeth cleaning, fluoride treatments, digital X-rays, treatment and smile makeover. We maintain healthy gums, teeth and mouth. Our services include all the following: Denture to replace missing teeth and improve your smile. White fillings are use to fix cavities and sealants to prevent and protect teeth from forming cavities. Root canal therapy (Endodontic) to clean the tooth from disease or damaged nerve. All white porcelain or gold crowns to strengthen-protect weak tooth or improve the tooth. Bridge prosthetics used to replace missing teeth. Custom mouth guard to protect teeth and lips from sport, grinding, clenching or treat temporomandibular disorders (TMJ). Anti-Snoring Treatment to help with sleep apnea and its more comfortable than CPAP. Orthodontic to straighten teeth using clear invisalign retainer instead of metal braces. Dental implant can also replace missing teeth and it feels just like a natural looking tooth. Periodontal disease can be treated to prevent bone loss, bleeding gum and bad breath. Oral Surgery for extraction of regular teeth or wisdom teeth (surgical or simple root tips). Cosmetic Services including teeth whitening with take home custom bleach trays or in-office whitening, using Zoom light and KOR deep bleaching for tetracycline stains. Bonding for tooth-color to fix stain, chipped, broken, cracked teeth and close gaps between teeth. Veneer porcelain to straighten and whiten teeth for the beautiful Hollywood smile.

Location & Directions for WN Dentistry

7931 Jefferson Hwy, Baton Rouge, LA 70809
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Services WN Dentistry Offers

Sonic Care, Invisalign, Zoom Whitening, KOR, Boost
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