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Wiese USA

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About Wiese USA

As an authorized CAT lift truck dealer, our Sikeston, MO facility offers sales, service, parts, & rentals for the entire line of Caterpillar, Mitsubishi, & Jungheinrich lift trucks. Our product line includes a wide range of forklifts, aerial lifts, utility vehicles, floor care equipment, dock & door equipment, & much more. With our many years of experience & excellent customer service, we can provide solutions to meet any of your material handling needs.

Location & Directions for Wiese USA

2406 E Malone Ave, Sikeston, MO 63801
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Services Wiese USA Offers

Forklifts, Utility Vehicles, Personnel Carriers, Industrial Floor Care Equipment, Sweepers, Railcar Movers, High Reach Equipment, Docks, High Speed Doors, Industrial Racking, Warehouse Products

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