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Westside Aesthetics

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About Westside Aesthetics

Westside Aesthetics is a medical spa located in Los Angeles, California. The founder is Dr. Alexander Rivkin, world renowned plastic surgeon and sought after expert in non-surgical medical procedures. Dr. Rivkin first received notariety for inventing the non-surgical nose job. Rhinoplasty in Los Angeles has been a highly sought after procedure, the advent of Dr. Rivkin's non-surgical procedure has enabled hundreds of satisfied patients to benefit from a newer, more pleasing look, without the invasive surgical procedure normally associated with traditioinal rhinoplasty.

Location & Directions for Westside Aesthetics

11645 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90025
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Services Westside Aesthetics Offers

Rhinoplasty Los Angeles, Medical Spa, Plastic Surgery, Face Lift, Botox Los Angeles, Med-Spa

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