Dr. Ryan Giel is a chiropractor in Charlotte, North Carolina (NC) at Wellness Chiropractic. At Wellness Chiropractic in Charlotte, North Carolina (NC), the latest pain relief technology is available to patients. Dr. Giel provides chiropractic in Charlotte, North Carolina (NC) for infants, children and expectant mothers. At Wellness Chiropractic, Dr. Giel aims to help people feel better and live active, more productive lives.
Please consult Dr. Ryan Giel's Charlotte, North Carolina (NC) chiropractic office for a consultation today.
Wellness Chiropractic of Charlotte, North Carolina (NC) can help patients with fibromyalgia, digestive disorders, migraines, herniated discs and car and work injuries. Dr. Ryan Giel offers treatment for neck and back pain, headaches, sinus and allergy problems, irritability and other stress-related conditions at his Charlotte, North Carolina (NC) chiropractic practice. Dr. Giel also specializes as a Pediatric Chiropractor, helping children with nervousness, irritability, headaches, fatigue and more. Wellness Chiropractic's latest technology available to patients includes cold laser therapy, decompression therapy, and the ProAdjuster, which is used to consistently and precisely analyze and adjust the spine in a comfortable way.
Patients at Wellness Chiropractic in Charlotte, North Carolina (NC) can also take advantage of neuro-muscular massage and rehab therapy.
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