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Uwe's Bakery & Deli

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About Uwe's Bakery & Deli

Specializing in German baked goods.

Location & Directions for Uwe's Bakery & Deli

1024 W San Antonio St Unit B, New Braunfels, TX 78130
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Services Uwe's Bakery & Deli Offers

Soups, Salads, Sandwiches, German Entrees and German and American baked goods.

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More About Uwe's Bakery & Deli

Uwe's Bakery & Deli (pronounced Oo-vuh's) is a family owned and operated restaurant and bakery specializing in scratch made food and baked goods.

It is our passion to serve our community the tastiest food, made with real, quality ingredients, made free from chemical additives, stretchers and fillers. Making food that we eat ourselves and serve to our own families, in a warm and welcoming environment by people who care.

So, whether it's our breads, rolls, pastries, cakes, cookies, soups, salads, sandwiches or our German entrees that you are eating, you can feel confident knowing that it was made to a higher level of standards.