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Unique Hardwoods

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About Unique Hardwoods

Unique Hardwoods are Cary flooring experts you can trust to install beautiful, elegant hardwoods in your home. We are dedicated to customer service and helping you in any way we can.

Location & Directions for Unique Hardwoods

210 Kirkfield Dr, Cary, NC 27518
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Services Unique Hardwoods Offers

Cary flooring, hardwood floors, flooring installation, hardwood repairs, custom hardwoods.

5.0 Out of 5.0

Reviews For Unique Hardwoods

Reviews for this business have been aggregated from multiple sources.

Based on 4 Reviews

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Patty Thursday, November 11th 2010
I had my floors done by Unique Hardwoods and they look better than what I had in mind. They were very hard working and showed up on time. Prices were very comparable to other hardwood flooring companies in the area. The owner was very trustworthy. I went out of town on vacation and I came back and I had beautiful hardwood floors! I would highly recommend them.
Patty Thursday, November 11th 2010
I had my floors done by Unique Hardwoods and they look better than what I had in mind. They were very hard working and showed up on time. Prices were very comparable to other hardwood flooring companies in the area. The owner was very trustworthy. I went out of town on vacation and I came back and I had beautiful hardwood floors! I would highly recommend them.
dave Sunday, March 14th 2010
I recently had my floors repaired and refinished by Unique Hardwoods. They came in on time and finished early. Very trusting company
dave Sunday, March 14th 2010
I recently had my floors repaired and refinished by Unique Hardwoods. They came in on time and finished early. Very trusting company
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