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About UBuildIt

UBuildIt-Bethesda is a residential construction consulting firm assisting homeowners build or remodel their home avoiding unnecessary markups that most times lead to more then 20% in savings.

Location & Directions for UBuildIt

4701 Sangamore Rd Suite 230-South Tower, Bethesda, MD 20816
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Services UBuildIt Offers

Custom Homes.
Residential Remodel.
Residential Additions.
Residential Renovations.
Residential Construction Planning Services.
Plan and Blue Print Review.

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Reviews For UBuildIt

Reviews for this business have been aggregated from multiple sources.

Based on 2 Reviews

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Travel Gal
Travel Gal Wednesday, March 10th 2010
The one issue that cinched it for me was the fact he kept talking to the bank even after I told him not to. He kept contacting the bank without my knowledge in order to inquire into the status of my loan. I have an email that he sent the bank asking for information about not only my loan but the financial health of potential customers. (The bank accidentally sent it to me) I kept telling him not to worry about the loan cause I was not moving forward until I had a decent build cost estimate...he had provided a very general cost estimate with a number of items missing. Items that should have been known at the time as well as items that required his research. His reply to my request for an accurate cost estimate that has a line item for every single item in the house, "Some have moved forward with less". Unfortunately, you have to pay for Phase I upfront so you won't know how Chad will be with you until you spend the $6k. After my issues, I contacted the corporate office and they were okay with me moving to another regional office...provided that I pay an additional Phase I fee to the new office. I moved to the Annapolis office but they went out of business so they moved my contract to Westminster . So far, Maryann of the Westminster office has been leaps and bounds better than Chad, actually involved. She's responsive and has a great deal of knowledge of the nitty gritty details of building where Chad didn't seem to have that. And she pushes YOU so that all the costs are known up front and you are prepared for Phase II. I kept the bank email and my exchanges with Chad if anyone would like to view for themselves. Below is the exact feedback I sent when I notified Chad that I would not be moving forward with their services. FEEDBACK 1. Show some initiative in other aspects of the project besides the financing. You got more involved AFTER a few choice emails and preferred to let Juan (house designer) shoulder a great deal of the responsibility,
Travel Gal
Travel Gal Wednesday, March 10th 2010
The one issue that cinched it for me was the fact he kept talking to the bank even after I told him not to. He kept contacting the bank without my knowledge in order to inquire into the status of my loan. I have an email that he sent the bank asking for information about not only my loan but the financial health of potential customers. (The bank accidentally sent it to me) I kept telling him not to worry about the loan cause I was not moving forward until I had a decent build cost estimate...he had provided a very general cost estimate with a number of items missing. Items that should have been known at the time as well as items that required his research. His reply to my request for an accurate cost estimate that has a line item for every single item in the house, "Some have moved forward with less". Unfortunately, you have to pay for Phase I upfront so you won't know how Chad will be with you until you spend the $6k. After my issues, I contacted the corporate office and they were okay with me moving to another regional office...provided that I pay an additional Phase I fee to the new office. I moved to the Annapolis office but they went out of business so they moved my contract to Westminster . So far, Maryann of the Westminster office has been leaps and bounds better than Chad, actually involved. She's responsive and has a great deal of knowledge of the nitty gritty details of building where Chad didn't seem to have that. And she pushes YOU so that all the costs are known up front and you are prepared for Phase II. I kept the bank email and my exchanges with Chad if anyone would like to view for themselves. Below is the exact feedback I sent when I notified Chad that I would not be moving forward with their services. FEEDBACK 1. Show some initiative in other aspects of the project besides the financing. You got more involved AFTER a few choice emails and preferred to let Juan (house designer) shoulder a great deal of the responsibility,
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