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Tranquillity at Fredericktowne

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About Tranquillity at Fredericktowne

Welcome to Tranquillity at Fredericktowne located in Frederick, Maryland. Our beautiful complex is surrounded by lush meadowlands and offers beautiful views of the stunning Catoctin and Sugarloaf Mountains. It's more than our setting that makes our assisted living community so attractive. Our professional associates are focused on providing you with the very best personalized care to ensure that you're always comfortable and at ease.

Location & Directions for Tranquillity at Fredericktowne

6441 Jefferson Pike, Frederick, MD 21703
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Services Tranquillity at Fredericktowne Offers

Retirement Homes

  • Assisted Living Facility
  • Retirement Community
  • Retirement Homes
  • Senior Citizen Center
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