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Timber Creek Dental

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About Timber Creek Dental

Timber Creek Dental

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5180 Prosperity Way S #101, Fargo, ND 58104
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More About Timber Creek Dental

Timber Creek Dental is based in Fargo, ND. The dental clinic specializes in providing general and implants dentistry services for children and adults throughout the Fargo-Moorhead area and is a locally owned business led by Dr. Sheils. FILLINGS: Timber Creek Dental advises patients on the right type of fillings for their smile and these include amalgam fillings and/or composite fillings to repair cavities and deficiencies in the teeth. BRIDGES: Dental bridges are designed to restore the function, beauty, and health of your smile for decades. If you are missing one or multiple teeth, we may recommend a dental bridge to restore your smile. During the procedure, a non-removable bridge is anchored into place through the use of custom- made crowns. These crowns may then be fitted with teeth that have been tailored to perfectly match your natural smile. This procedure typically requires only two visits. DENTAL CROWNS: A dental crown is a versatile treatment most commonly used to restore a damaged or decayed tooth. In this procedure, a custom-made crown is fitted over an entire tooth, restoring its original shape and size. Porcelain crowns are popular because they match the natural color and appearance of teeth, although gold crowns are also available. Dr. Sheils will help you to determine which type of crown is best for your smile. ENDODONTICS: Endodontics is the study and treatment of the innermost layer of the tooth. If this area becomes injured or diseased, it often results in serious pain and sensitivity, and may ultimately require extraction. Endodontic treatment corrects such problems. Root canals are the most common type of endodontic treatment, where the dentist removes injured and infected tissues from the tooth, thoroughly cleans it, and then fills the cavity. A restoration such as a crown is then fitted over the affected surface area to protect the tooth for years to come. PERIODONTICS: Periodontics treats conditions which affect the gums and soft tissues of the mouth. Gum disease, which is also known as periodontal disease, is an infection caused by bacteria in plaque buildup. The early stage of gum disease is called gingivitis, characterized by red, tender, bleeding, and swollen gums. If gum disease is not treated during this phase, gingivitis can develop into periodontitis, which causes gum recession and tooth loss. If diagnosed and treated early, gingivitis can be controlled and reversed with additional cleanings and at-home care; if allowed to progress to periodontitis, more involved and frequent treatments may become necessary. Timber Creek Dental provides solutions for either phase of gum disease and can halt and reverse its progression. DENTURES: Dentures are removable structures which replace multiple missing teeth. Whether you wish to replace several teeth or all of them, dentures are an effective method of restoring function, beauty, and health to your smile. Timber Creek Dental will discuss whether complete or partial dentures might be suitable for your needs. ORAL SURGERY: Oral surgery covers a range of treatments which improve the function, health, and appearance of teeth and their surrounding structures. We strive to provide the most conservative treatments available but may advise oral surgery when it is necessary to correct certain conditions. Oral surgery includes tooth extraction, wisdom teeth removal, jaw surgery and bone grafts. TOOTH REPLACEMENT: Dental implants provide permanent, stable replacement for one or multiple teeth. This procedure begins when a titanium screw, known as a post, is anchored into the site of the missing tooth. This post provides the foundation for a new tooth. In the case of multiple tooth replacement, multiple implants may be placed to support a bridge or denture. Once the bone has bonded with the implant or implants, Dr. Sheils will attach a custom-made dental restoration to complete your smile. The stable restoration is firmly attached to the implant and can only be removed by a dental professional. IMPLANT RETAINED DENTURES: Implant retained dentures are similar to traditional dentures, but are further secured by implants to prevent them from becoming loose. Implant retained dentures are cost- effective, and in many cases, we can retrofit existing dentures with new implants.