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The Rising Star Collaborative Coalition

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About The Rising Star Collaborative Coalition

The Rising Star Collaborative Coalition After School and Tutoring Program is a non-profit (501c3) that seeks to bridge and close literacy, educational gaps, and disparities that our youth are faced with in the educational system; and in disadvantaged inner city and urban communities.

The Rising Star Collaborative Coalition is a non-profit (501c3) that seeks to bridge and close literacy,educational gaps, and disparities that our youth are faced with in the educational system; and in disadvantaged inner city and urban communities. Our objective and goal is to serve as a supplemental program that focuses on enhancing students in these areas.

In spring of 2015, as concerned parents whom some of their students and majority of other students were struggling academically at a prominent charter school. We all decided to ban together, volunteer our time, and purchase STAAR material to meet up andtutor fifth-teen 3rd graders for the STAAR test. Fortunately, all four-teen students passed except for one. During the summer of 2015 the idea was
posed to bring in tutors toThe Rising Star Collaborative Coalition is a non-profit (501c3) that seeks to bridge and close literacy,educational gaps, and disparities that our youth are faced with in the educational system; work with students and establish the organization as a 501c3 After School and Tutoring Program.
Service : Middle School, Elementary School, After School & Tutoring Program in USA

Location & Directions for The Rising Star Collaborative Coalition

4300 Griggs Rd. St., Houston, TX 77021
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Services The Rising Star Collaborative Coalition Offers

Middle School, Elementary School, After School & Tutoring Program in USA

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