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Stuart Powell Ford Lincoln Mazda

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About Stuart Powell Ford Lincoln Mazda

Stuart Powell Ford Lincoln Mazda has a wide variety of new and used cars and trucks. With our service department, Quick Lane, and body shop, we can take car of everything your vehicle will ever need!

Location & Directions for Stuart Powell Ford Lincoln Mazda

225 S Danville Byp, Danville, KY 40422
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Services Stuart Powell Ford Lincoln Mazda Offers

Stuart Powell Ford Lincoln Mazda offers new and used cars and trucks, as well as parts and service for your existing vehicle. We also offer a collision center.

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More About Stuart Powell Ford Lincoln Mazda

Stuart Powell Ford Lincoln Mazda has been Danville's favorite dealer since 1949! We Make It Easy, with new and used cars, a full service and parts department, and an award winning body shop. We offer everything your vehicle will ever need! Just a few minutes from Harrodsburg, Lancaster, and Stanford, and a short drive from the rest of Central Kentucky.