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St. Mary's Dental

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About St. Mary's Dental

St. Mary's Dental

Location & Directions for St. Mary's Dental

28160 Old Village Rd, Mechanicsville, MD 20659
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Services St. Mary's Dental Offers


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More About St. Mary's Dental

St. Mary's Dental is led by two accomplished and caring dentists, Dr. Gina McCray and Dr. Kara McCray Demer. This mother-daughter practice has grown to become a top-notch facility for general, restorative, and family dentistry. Our compassionate team will make your smile their first priority. We are dedicated to providing you with the personalized and gentle care that you deserve. By staying in constant communication, we will arm you with the information and treatments you need to maintain optimal oral health and a beautiful smile for a lifetime. Cosmetic dentistry has to do with the aesthetic of your smile and how it affects your appearance. Our cosmetic dentistry treatments can help just about anyone achieve the smile, and include porcelain crowns, porcelain veneers, cosmetic bonding, invisible braces and teeth whitening. You and your family should protect your oral health by seeing your dentist regularly for exams and check-ups. Our dentists can spot potential problems and provide cleanings to help you avoid more serious conditions in your mouth that can lead to dental emergencies and pain. You and your loved ones can feel comfortable coming to our office for general and family dentistry. We take a gentle and conservative approach, and we provide advanced technology and patient amenities to give you an enjoyable experience. C EREC has changed the way our dentists provide ceramic restorations. This 3D imaging and camera assisted design center allows our dentists to use images to instantly create dental restorations. With in-office milling capabilities, CEREC can be used to produce onlays, inlays, crowns, or bridges with just one visit to the dentist. A dental implant is the perfect tooth replacement options for missing teeth. Dental implants are the only restoration method that replaces both the tooth root and the tooth crown. Implant dentistry can recreate your perfect smile, provide full functionality, promote better oral health, decrease your risk of jaw deterioration, and so much more. At St. Mary's Dental, Dr. McCray and Dr. Demer can place and restore dental implants. For excellent comprehensive dental care in the Mechanicsville area, call us today!