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Spinatomy Spine & Disc Centers

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About Spinatomy Spine & Disc Centers

Spinatomy Spine & Disc Centers takes a comprehensive approach to pain management. Our chiropractor in Van Nuys, CA, understands that the human body is an intricate machine, and even if one component is out of place, it can throw your body into an imbalance, leading to pain and discomfort. We identify and trace the underlying structural imbalances responsible for your pain, following which we offer all-natural remedies. We guide you on a path to optimal wellness without surgery or opioids.

Location & Directions for Spinatomy Spine & Disc Centers

14624 Sherman Way, Los Angeles, CA 91405
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Services Spinatomy Spine & Disc Centers Offers

Laser Therapy, Spinal Decompression, Cryotherapy, Knee Decompression, Opioid Free Pain Management

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