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Southwest Industrial Fabrication and Welding Services

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About Southwest Industrial Fabrication and Welding Services

We provide on site and in shop fabrication and welding services to commercial and residential clients.
Chris Barker started Southwest Welding Services and Industrial Fabrication in 2010. Chris had spent the past 10 years working as a welder all over the Texas Gulf Coast. When the opportunity came to work for himself he jumped at the chance.

Since it started, Southwest has been committed to providing a superior level of customer service. With old school tenacity and modern expertise, Chris and crew get the job done on time and under budget, with excellent quality.

In today's do anything for a buck society, it is good to know that there are still companies like Southwest still out there - "Doing the job right."

Location & Directions for Southwest Industrial Fabrication and Welding Services

700 W Mulberry St, Angleton, TX 77515
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Services Southwest Industrial Fabrication and Welding Services Offers


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Reviews For Southwest Industrial Fabrication and Welding Services

Reviews for this business have been aggregated from multiple sources.

Based on 2 Reviews

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??? Wednesday, February 15th 2012
Over priced and under experienced, workmanship chis provided on my trailer was far from professional or superior should have just taken it to Toms in brazoria tx.
??? Wednesday, February 15th 2012
Over priced and under experienced, workmanship chis provided on my trailer was far from professional or superior should have just taken it to Toms in brazoria tx.
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