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South Alabama Gas

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About South Alabama Gas

South Alabama Gas is a leading provider of natural gas services in the state. With a history dating back to the early 1960s, we have established ourselves as a reliable and efficient company. Our top priority is the safety and well-being of our customers, and we never compromise on quality. We offer a range of services including gas service and appliance repair, ensuring that your natural gas needs are taken care of. Contact us today to experience the benefits of natural gas and let us handle all your maintenance needs.

Location & Directions for South Alabama Gas

714 W Front St, Evergreen, AL 36401
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Services South Alabama Gas Offers

Services offered by South Alabama Gas:
Oil & natural gas company, Appliance store, Appliance repair service

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More About South Alabama Gas

South Alabama Gas is an established oil and natural gas company that also operates as an appliance store and offers appliance repair services. We have been serving the community since the early 1960s, providing top-notch service and prioritizing customer safety. Our team consists of experienced professionals who are equipped to handle all your natural gas needs. Whether you require gas service or need assistance with appliance repair, we are here to help. Natural gas is an efficient way to heat your home, and with South Alabama Gas, you only pay for what you use. We take care of all maintenance requirements, ensuring a hassle-free experience for our customers. With multiple locations in Butler, Evergreen, and Monroeville, we are easily accessible to serve your needs. Choose South Alabama Gas for reliable service and enjoy the benefits of natural gas.