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Sofi at Forest Heights

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About Sofi at Forest Heights

Sofi at Forest Heights

Location & Directions for Sofi at Forest Heights

1940 NW Miller Rd, Portland, OR 97229
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More About Sofi at Forest Heights

Set against the beautiful west hills of Portland, OR, Sofi at Forest Heights is your destination for easy living in the Pacific Northwest. Featuring, a state-of-the-art fitness center with all the necessary equipment to keep you in shape, and easy access to the Max via the Forest Heights Shuttle, our luxury community offers a long list of amenities to keep up with your dynamic lifestyle.

In addition to our on-site amenities, we are conveniently located near all the shops and necessities at Timberland Town Center, as well as Highways 26 and 217. So whether you're a commuter, a weekend warrior, or anyone in between, Sofi at Forest Heights puts you right where you want to be.