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Snappy Tomato Pizza

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About Snappy Tomato Pizza

At Snappy, we start each day fresh. It would be easier to use frozen dough (like our competitors), but we make ours fresh daily. The same is true for our cheesealways fresh, never frozen. Our award winning sauce is composed of the freshest vine-ripened tomatoes that are picked fresh, packed, and canned in just six hours! Believe it or not, Snappy Tomato was started on a bet at a local horse track by a man who dreamed of having his own pizzeria but didnt have the money. The horse he couldnt resist betting on was named Snappy Tomato. The man used his winnings to open a pizzeria, which he named in honor of the horse that made it all possible. From that first Snappy Tomato location, there are now more than 50 locations across five states.

Location & Directions for Snappy Tomato Pizza

118 School Road, Dry Ridge, KY 41035
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Services Snappy Tomato Pizza Offers

Pizza Restaurant

  • Pizza Restaurant
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