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SmileKeepers Salem Capitol

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About SmileKeepers Salem Capitol

SmileKeepers Salem Capitol

Location & Directions for SmileKeepers Salem Capitol

408 Lancaster Drive NE, Salem, OR 97301
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More About SmileKeepers Salem Capitol

At SmileKeepers in Salem, OR, we��_��___��_��____��_��___��_��_____��_��___��_��____��_��___��_��____re the dentist you can turn to for quality services that meet all of your dental needs. We��_��___��_��____��_��___��_��_____��_��___��_��____��_��___��_��____re gentle on your wallet, and our goal is to make it easy and affordable for you to care for your teeth and gums. In the relaxing environment of our Salem, OR Capitol office, our caring dentist and helpful office staff will work hard to help you feel comfortable with each treatment you receive.