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Singing River Dentistry

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About Singing River Dentistry

Are you looking for a dentist in the Tuscumbia, AL area? Come to Singing River Dentistry! We are a patient-centered dental practice, devoted to helping patients of all ages improve their oral and overall health and achieve beautiful smiles. We offer a full range of treatments, including sleep dentistry, and have our own in-house dental lab in order to create high-quality restorations in a timely manner. We also value your time, trust and your health. Beyond regular dental cleanings and exams, our practice proudly offers dental implants, CEREC same-day dental crowns, dentures, dentistry for kids, veneers, teeth whitening, sleep apnea treatments, and so much more! Give us a call today!

Location & Directions for Singing River Dentistry

121 East 6th Street, Tuscumbia, AL 35674
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Services Singing River Dentistry Offers


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