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Sierra Anglers Fly Shop

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About Sierra Anglers Fly Shop

Sierra Anglers Fly Shop is a specialty fly fishing equipment retailer that was established in 1987 in Modesto, California. We carry many major brands such as Sage fly rod, Simms, Ross Reels, Galvan fly reels, Scientific Anglers, Rio, Outcast float tubes. We also offers classes in fly fishing and fly tying.

Location & Directions for Sierra Anglers Fly Shop

700 McHenry Ave, Modesto, CA 95350
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Services Sierra Anglers Fly Shop Offers

Fly rods, fly reels, fly lines and leaders, flies, waders, float tubes, fishing vests, sunglasses. Classes on fly fishing and fly tying.

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Reviews For Sierra Anglers Fly Shop

Reviews for this business have been aggregated from multiple sources.

Based on 2 Reviews

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Walter Strong
Walter Strong Thursday, January 15th 2009
I've done business with Bob for years and the guy is just a good down to earth businessman who wants to make an honest living and loves the sport of fly fishing.
Walter Strong
Walter Strong Thursday, January 15th 2009
I've done business with Bob for years and the guy is just a good down to earth businessman who wants to make an honest living and loves the sport of fly fishing.
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