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Sara Alexander, MFT

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About Sara Alexander, MFT

I specialize in psychotherapy in San Francisco: individual, couples and family therapy with a focus on relationship issues. I have 31 years experience helping clients identify and accept their vulnerable thoughts and feelings, improve communication skills, and resolve conflicts in a healthier way. I encourage a 'no fault' perspective in which you don't focus on who is right or wrong in a conflict, but listen to and understand each other's perspective, even if you don't agree. I like to think of therapy as not just an opportunity become more the person you wish you were, but - perhaps more importantly - to get to know and love the person you already are. "Loving what is" reduces depression, anxiety and isolation and brings moments of happiness to marriage or any relationship - family, work, friends or with oneself.

Location & Directions for Sara Alexander, MFT

3600 California St, San Francisco, CA 94118
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Services Sara Alexander, MFT Offers

Individual, Couples, Family and Group Psychotherapy.

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