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Roy Dental Care

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About Roy Dental Care

We are a fun loving dental office for the whole family. Our goal is to build long term, trusting relationships with our patients. We will provide the dental care they want or need when they need it. We want to be "the dentist in the family" that you feel comfortable calling up anytime to get the help you need. Our office absolutely loves providing dental care. If we can take away any fear or anxiety about visiting a dental office then we feel like we have succeeded. We aim to keep people smiling!

Location & Directions for Roy Dental Care

4902 S 1900 W, Roy, UT 84067
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Services Roy Dental Care Offers

We provide all general dental services. Dental cleanings and x-rays. Emergency dental care. Dental implants. Smile make-overs. Cosmetic dentistry. Root canals. Wisdom teeth extractions. Implant retained dentures.

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