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RDI Power

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About RDI Power

RDI Power is a diesel repair facility in Brooksville, Florida, that loves our walk in customers as well as our Fleet customers. You depend on your truck everyday -- that’s why you need qualified technicians who work as hard as you do to keep it running. At RDI Power, we know diesel trucks from axle to axle. From fuel injection to engine repair, we’re doing it all to keep your truck in top shape. Plus, with a variety of accessories and parts from Bosch and Alliant, we’re keeping your truck equipped. And don’t worry -- we’ve got your whole fleet covered, because we know a job can’t wait for a broken down truck. So the next time your rig’s not running right, give us a call -- we’ll get you back on the road in no time.

Location & Directions for RDI Power

1665 Donto Way, Brooksville, FL 34601
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Services RDI Power Offers

diesel repair, light duty truck repair, rv repair, fleet service

  • Auto Repair
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