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R. Nathan Gibbs, LTD

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About R. Nathan Gibbs, LTD

R. Nathan Gibbs, LTD is a law firm serving Las Vegas, Henderson, North Las Vegas and all of Clark County. We are experienced law firm that will give you dedicated, loyal representation in your legal matter.

Location & Directions for R. Nathan Gibbs, LTD

5280 S Eastern Ave D-2, Las Vegas, NV 89119
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Services R. Nathan Gibbs, LTD Offers

We understand that every situation is different and every client is unique, that is why the attorneys work with you individual to address your unique situation. We will help you through: Divorce, Custody, Adoption, Alimony, Child support, Bankruptcy and DUI/Traffic cases. R. Nathan Gibbs started his practice because he believes families going through tough times need a firm that can assist them in their legal needs in a competent, discreet and compassionate way. R. Nathan Gibbs has been practicing since 1996. You will meet with an attorney to discuss your situation. Contact R. Nathan Gibbs, LTD today to schedule your consultation.

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