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Planters Bank

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About Planters Bank

In April 1920, Planters Bank & Trust began serving customers in the small community of Ruleville, Mississippi. Throughout our growth, Planters Bank has remained rooted in its mission to dedicate resources to the betterment of our customers and to the Mississippi communities we live and work in. Currently headquartered in Indianola, Planters Bank has grown from one bank nestled in the rich soil of Ruleville to twenty locations spanning communities from Louise to Southaven and Greenville to Greenwood. As we grow together, Planters Bank continues to pride itself on giving back to our local communities while providing outstanding service to our loyal customers.

Location & Directions for Planters Bank

206 Sharkey Avenue, Clarksdale, MS 38614
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Services Planters Bank Offers

Banks & Credit Unions

  • Banks & Credit Unions
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