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Pelham Paint and Decorating

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About Pelham Paint and Decorating

Pelham Paint and Decorating is the one‐stop‐shop for your remodeling and decorating needs. We carry a wide range of products including Benjamin Moore paints, Synergy Stone granite, CaesarStone and Silestone quartz, Mohawk Flooring, York Wallcoverings and much more! Also, lighten your decision load with the help of our knowledgeable staff and decorators.

Location & Directions for Pelham Paint and Decorating

2996 Pelham Pkwy, Pelham, AL 35124
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Services Pelham Paint and Decorating Offers

Benjamin Moore Paints, Sikkens Stains, Synergy Stone, Caesarstone, Silestone, Mohawk Flooring, Bruce Hardwoods, Tarkett, York Wallcovering, and Blonder Wallcovering.

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