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Paul Terjeson, Broker - Keller Williams Realty

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About Paul Terjeson, Broker - Keller Williams Realty

Paul Terjeson, Broker - Keller Williams Realty

Location & Directions for Paul Terjeson, Broker - Keller Williams Realty

2125 Pacific Blvd SW, Albany, OR 97321
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Services Paul Terjeson, Broker - Keller Williams Realty Offers

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More About Paul Terjeson, Broker - Keller Williams Realty

Realtor and real estate broker Paul Terjeson specializes in rural farm and ranch properties. His diverse experience makes him uniquely qualified to represent your real estate needs. This experience includes owning and brokering residential homes, small acreage homes and farms, apartment complexes, commercial property; brokering new construction condominium projects, “flipping” investment properties; owning, brokering and developing high density residential and low density rural residential land, rehabilitating historic homes, moving homes to redeveloped lots; brokering and owning agricultural property, and a fluency with local zoning and construction standards from Salem to Corvallis are examples of his diverse knowledge base in a broad array of markets in the Mid-Willamette real estate industry.

All of these experiences combined with a high degree of professionalism will be used to help you sell your property for the highest possible value, find the next perfect property and protect you and your interests throughout the transaction process.