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Parkland Village Assisted Living

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About Parkland Village Assisted Living

Parkland Village Assisted Living

Location & Directions for Parkland Village Assisted Living

3121 NE Cumulus Ave, McMinnville, OR 97128
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Services Parkland Village Assisted Living Offers

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More About Parkland Village Assisted Living

At Parkland Village Retirement Community you can relax, enjoy the beauty of our community while we take care of the day-to-day tasks. Here at our senior living center it is all about allowing you to be independent while enjoying retirement. Our motto of lifestyle is perfect for seniors who are ready to give up the worries and headache of home ownership but still want to hold onto the freedom and ability to come and go as they so please. Come check out our amazing program down in McMinnville, Oregon where we pride independent living. Be active while enjoying a resort-style of living. Retirement for you should a blend of wellness-focused lifestyle and engaging conversation. Here at Parkland Village Retirement Community we are dedicated to positive aging and well-being that applies to mind, body and soul. Here is a life filled with culture. Here is a life of culture, nature, health and true beauty. It is a life that encourages independent and independence. Life at Parkland Village is full of wonderful opportunities that is abound for the retirement lifestyle of your choice. We love our pets, we love your pets and would love to bring them into our family too! We also have a full-time concierge to help make sure we're providing enriching, engaging programs that meet your interest. Come give us a call, shoot us an e-mail stop on by and see why you'd fit perfectly here in our retirement living and assisted living community. We'd love to have you here and we'd love to be part of your family.