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Paintless Dent Doctor

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About Paintless Dent Doctor

We use a process called PDR (Paintless Dent Repair) which allows us to repair minor dents, creasing and hail damage on automobiles without paint; gently massaging the metal from its underside with specialized tools until it returns to its original showroom form. Paint and bodywork contribute to the depreciation of your vehicle but we have the ability to repair minor damage without it! Improve your vehicles appearance and value while saving time and money. Since there is no painting involved in the execution of PDR, color matching problems are a thing of the past. Insurance companies also recognize the PDR process as "insurance friendly" and often recommend it before paint/bodywork are considered. Gimmicks like dry ice and plungers to fix dents simply don't work. PDR is a proven methodthat high line auto dealers, rental co. and even some paint facilities use to repair minor damage. Our focus is customer satisfaction & convenience so we offer a mobile service that can come to your home or office to make repairs with prices approximately 1/3 the cost of paint . Watch dents disappear as you wait with repair times ranging from 20 minutes to 1hour. Servicing Baltimore, MD (Metro Area) and its surrounding Counties. We offer Free estimates and appointments can be made within 24 hrs . We will beat any competitors price-simply submit the estimate when serviced.

Location & Directions for Paintless Dent Doctor

9726 Pulaski Hwy, Middle River, MD 21220
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Services Paintless Dent Doctor Offers

Paintless Dent Repair (PDR)

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