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Offit Kurman Attorneys at Law

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About Offit Kurman Attorneys at Law

Offit Kurman Attorneys At Law is a dynamic legal services provider assisting clients throughout the mid-Atlantic region. Our firm is well positioned to meet the legal needs of dynamic businesses and the people who own and operate them.

Location & Directions for Offit Kurman Attorneys at Law

8171 Maple Lawn Blvd Suite 200, Fulton, MD 20759
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Services Offit Kurman Attorneys at Law Offers

With law offices located throughout the mid-Atlantic region, Offit Kurman Attorneys At Law offers comprehensive legal services and guidance to dynamic businesses and the people who own and operate them.

Our team of legal professionals has extensive experience handling all aspects of business law, real estate, estate planning, health care, labor and employment, estate and trust administration, construction law, commercial litigation, asset protection, divorce and family law matters and more.

For individuals in search of personalized legal services, we offer you and your family a wide range of asset protection tools and legal assistance to help you build and preserve wealth. Eventually, we help facilitate the transfer of your accumulated assets to family members and other intended beneficiaries.

When it comes to commercial legal services, we work closely with you on all aspects of forming, acquiring, operating, protecting, and growing your businesses. When the time comes, we also offer assistance with your succession planning and ownership transition efforts.

Whatever your legal needs may be, Offit Kurman Attorneys At Law is uniquely suited to help you achieve your short and long term goals.

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