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Northwest Mechanical

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About Northwest Mechanical

Northwest Mechanical is a leading HVAC and sheet metal contractor based in Albany, Oregon. With a commitment to excellence, we provide top-quality heating, air conditioning, and refrigeration services. Our team of industry-qualified technicians is certified in over 200 brands of machinery, ensuring expert service and maintenance. We also offer commercial appliance repair and customized sheet metal fabrication services to meet the specific needs of businesses. Since our establishment in 1997, we have grown organically and take pride in being a debt-free company. Our dedication to integrity, employee training, and customer satisfaction sets us apart as a trusted service provider in Oregon.

Location & Directions for Northwest Mechanical

120 SE Jackson St, Albany, OR 97321
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Services Northwest Mechanical Offers

Services offered by Northwest Mechanical:
HVAC contractor, Sheet metal contractor, Craft, Metal, Industry, Tradesperson, Home services, Metal Services, B to B companies, Business service

  • HVAC Contractor
  • Sheet Metal Contractor
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More About Northwest Mechanical

Northwest Mechanical is a reputable HVAC and sheet metal contractor located in Albany, Oregon. We specialize in providing exceptional heating, air conditioning, and refrigeration services for residential and commercial clients. Our team of highly qualified technicians is trained to handle projects of all sizes with utmost dedication and attention to detail. With certifications in over 200 brands of machinery, we can efficiently diagnose and repair any issues that may arise.

In addition to our HVAC expertise, we offer comprehensive commercial appliance repair services for a wide range of brands. Our technicians are well-versed in the intricacies of various appliances and can quickly restore their functionality to minimize disruptions to your business operations.

Moreover, we take pride in our sheet metal fabrication capabilities, offering customized solutions tailored to the unique requirements of each client. Whether it's designing and installing ductwork or creating specialized meta