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Northwest Ergonomics and Assistive Technology

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About Northwest Ergonomics and Assistive Technology

Northwest Ergonomics provides assistive technology like Dragon dictation software to allow you to continue the work you love to do. Our vocational counselors are trained and certified to implement assistive technology solutions so you have the best tools possible. Our specialists work closely with you to understand your needs and then design solutions that will keep you working.

Northwest Ergonomics and Assistive Technology was founded to help individuals and organizations achieve their goals.

Location & Directions for Northwest Ergonomics and Assistive Technology

180 Nickerson St Suite 206, Seattle, WA 98109
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Services Northwest Ergonomics and Assistive Technology Offers

Assistive Technology Specialist, Ergonomics Specialist, Assistive Technology Evaluation, Ergonomics Evaluation, Workplace Consultants

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