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Nishan Halim, DMD, PLLC

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About Nishan Halim, DMD, PLLC

Nishan R. Halim, DMD provides general and cosmetic dentistry for adults and children, including Invisalign for adults as an alternative to braces. The dental needs of Baby Boomers who may be experiencing breakdowns in older dental work are of special interest to Dr. Halim. He is also known for helping dental-phobic patients overcome their anxieties with compassionate, informative and open communication. Children and families are welcome!

Location & Directions for Nishan Halim, DMD, PLLC

27 6th St Ne, Washington, DC 20002
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Services Nishan Halim, DMD, PLLC Offers

cosmetic dentistry, restorative dentistry, general dentistry, family dental care, Invisalign

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