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Newbill Painting & Contracting, LLC

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About Newbill Painting & Contracting, LLC

Welcome to Newbill Painting & Contracting, LLC!

Providing top-quality workmanship, competitive prices, and dependability for residential and commercial customers. Our ultimate goal is customer satisfaction, and to ensure this we work hard at understanding our customers' needs, treating every job with professionalism, and superior attention to detail. We will earn your confidence in our company through our dedication, ultimately proving that you are our number one priority.

Location & Directions for Newbill Painting & Contracting, LLC

13012 Se 164th St, Renton, WA 98058
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Services Newbill Painting & Contracting, LLC Offers

Kitchen remodels,drywall, back splash, cabinet, painting,decks, fences, plumbing, flooring

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