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New York Budget Inn

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About New York Budget Inn

New York Budget Inn is a newly refurbished budget-priced boutique hotel, in the very center of Manhattan. As in New York City. The Big Apple. On the corner of 34th st and 3rd avenue, just blocks from everything important, and just a few subway stops away from things almost as important.

Location & Directions for New York Budget Inn

200 E 34th St, New York, NY 10016
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Services New York Budget Inn Offers

We offer air-conditioned rooms, daily housekeeping, 24-hour reception, free wi-fi, in-room cable TV, a friendly and helpful staff, and the absolute best price to stay in NYC that doesn't involve your buddy's futon.
By providing clean, comfortable and affordable NYC lodging, we cater to anyone looking to spend less while getting the most out of New York.

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