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M&R Refrigeration

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About M&R Refrigeration

At M&R Refrigeration, we pride ourselves on our outstanding and unbeatable AC repair services in Surprise, AZ! Our company is trusted and reliable with the ratings and 5 out of 5 stars with the BBB, Facebook, Yelp, Home Advisor, and 10/10 with MapQuest! Here at M&R Refrigeration, we offer an extensive variety of services including residential and commercial services and commercial refrigeration services. Among these services, we offer cooling, heating, and refrigeration services. We are a full-service HVAC company providing repairs, replacements, installations, maintenance, and sales for heating, cooling, and HVAC. If you have any questions or would like to receive an estimate, feel free to call today and our support team will happily help.

Location & Directions for M&R Refrigeration

15723 W Dynamite Blvd, Surprise, AZ 85387
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