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Motorpool Automotive

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About Motorpool Automotive

At Motorpool Automotive we insist on honest customer service. Our policy is to repair only what's necessary and recommend services based on manufacturer's specifications. We give you repair options and never do any work without your permission. No surprises. No exceptions.

Our team services all makes and models from domestic car manufacturers (Ford, Chevy, Chrysler, Cadillac, Buick, Oldsmobile, Pontiac and GMC) to foreign (Honda, Toyota, Mazda and Nissan) and European makers (BMW, Mercedes, Audi and Volkswagen).

Location & Directions for Motorpool Automotive

920 Camden Ave Unit 1, Campbell, CA 95008
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Services Motorpool Automotive Offers

We are a full service automotive repair shop offering complete repair for all your vehicle needs including tune ups, scheduled maintenance, oil changes, transmission services, brakes, electrical, diagnostic services, drivability issues, timing belts and suspension.

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Reviews For Motorpool Automotive

Reviews for this business have been aggregated from multiple sources.

Based on 2 Reviews

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Michelle Thursday, September 1st 2011
Motorpool is a wonderful place to get your car serviced! Any repair, small or large can be handled with ease. And you don't have to worry about being taken to the cleaners on the price. They are honest with their recommendations and only repair what is necessary. A place you can trust!
Michelle Thursday, September 1st 2011
Motorpool is a wonderful place to get your car serviced! Any repair, small or large can be handled with ease. And you don't have to worry about being taken to the cleaners on the price. They are honest with their recommendations and only repair what is necessary. A place you can trust!
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