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Moss Family Dentistry

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About Moss Family Dentistry

Moss Family Dentistry offers a full range of dental services ranging from general or family dentistry to cosmetic and complex restorative dentistry. We pride ourselves on delivering conservative treatment utilizing the most up to date services in a relaxing, friendly environment. Some of our services include: cleanings, tooth-colored fillings, crowns, veneers, teeth whitening, onlays, sleep apnea treatment, TMJ therapy, implant crowns, implant dentures, and "teeth in a day" implant dentures.

Location & Directions for Moss Family Dentistry

1916 E Lamar Alexander Pkwy, Maryville, TN 37804
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Services Moss Family Dentistry Offers

Cleanings, Crowns, Veneers, Implants, Fillings

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